Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fiscal Madness

From a commenter on Zero Hedge
Well done sir!

This is how a liberal does math:
the unemployed man got a dollar from the government for not working.  He bought a donut from the baker for a dollar.  The baker turned around and bought a dollar's worth of flour from the farmer.  Shazzam!  1 dollar magically turned into 2 dollars, one for the baker and one for the farmer.

Here's how conservative sees it:
The unemployed man got a dollar from the government for not working.  The Government borrowed the dollar from the Chinese.  That's negative one dollar.  The hungry unemployed man pays a dollar to the baker for a donut.  The baker gives half to the government and half to farmer for flour.  And, thats not enough flour for the donut, so he borrows a dollar from the banker.  That's another negative dollar. The farmer uses the baker's dollar to buy seed and borrows another dollar to maintain his equipment.  The banker has to pay off his politician buddies for favorable legislation.  So he gives the 2 dollars worth of interest he's getting from the baker and farmer to the local senator who then blows it on more unemployment benefits.  But, the banker funds don't cover the votes he's buying, er, unemployment insurance, so he borrows another dollar from the Chinese.
In the end, it's 2 dollars debt to the chinese....
a dollar's debt for the baker...
a dollar's debt for the farmer...
a free donut for the unemployed guy...
no prosecution for the unscrupulous banker...
and another 6 year's for the useless senat

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