Sunday, March 8, 2015

Obama on guns, Incapable of telling the truth

Obama was doing another town hall on Friday and telling nothing but fabrications about guns and our nuder rate. With two years to go the far left President who hates guns and the second amendment will do anything to try an usurp the 2nd amendment by whipping up hysteria.

Here os the money quote:

Increased gun control measures would go a long way toward cutting down on America’s homicide rate, President Obama said during a town-hall event on Friday.
“Our homicide rates are so much larger than other industrialized countries, by like a mile,” he said during a speech at Benedict College in South Carolina.
“Most of that is attributable to the easy, ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.”

Here is Bill Whittle with another one of his excellent responses, wake up America to the lies of this government. If they get the 2nd amendment they can get all of them.

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