Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama Latest Flop On The Surge

What a total jive a**, yesterday he flops on the surge in Iraq.
First yesterdays quote
"If current trends continue and we were in a position where we continue to see reductions in violence and stabilization and continue to see some improvements on the part of the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi police, then my hope could be that we could draw down in a deliberate fashion in consultation with the Iraqi government at a pace that is determined in consultation with General Petraeus and the other commanders on the ground."

This is a far cry from last years comments

"We cannot impose a military solution on what has effectively become a civil war. And until we acknowledge that reality, uh, we can send 15,000 more troops; 20,000 more troops; 30,000 more troops. Uh, I don't know any, uh, expert on the region or any military officer that I've spoken to, uh, privately that believes that that is gonna make a substantial difference on the situation on the ground."

I can’t wait to he flops on drilling for our own oil. The Democrat party is starting to get hammered as the price of gas continues to climb. Why can’t people see that he is just another finger in the wind pol? Oh that’s right the MSM is carrying the water for this too

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