Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Energy Policy Disaster

Once again the career politicians in Washington have failed us with today’s vote by the House on the latest feel good policy. My own local congressman Mike McIntyre voted yes as usual. Mike for years has been a decent guy but over the last 18 months he has gone from a southern blue dog to voting with Nancy and company on almost all of their anti war surrender and other left wing legislation. He does decent work for veterans in our area as he stabs a knife in the back of the troops currently in the field, troops like my daughters boyfriend a Marine Corporal in Delta Company 2nd LAV who are gearing up for their next deployment to the desert. Mike right now could be the poster boy for term limits. The state republicans are running an Iraq Vet Will Breazeale who is a current Army reserve major and airline pilot I will be supporting him as best I can to get rid of Mike once and for all. Below is my latest letter to Mike.

Once again we have another useless feel good bill by your Democrat comrades and the Rhino’s on the hill that in the long term will due more harm than good. Some of the unintended consequences will be a continued increase in the cost of basic food as more corn is diverted to government subsidized ethanol production. The talk of making huge amounts of ethanol from non-corn cellulose sources is nothing but a pipe dream much like the talk of a switch to hydrogen fuel. Who exactly is going to pay for the research and development for the technology to make this happen? Oh I know it will be my fellow taxpayers and myself. And of course final implementation of the ethanol boondoggle is 2022 long after all of the curent members are gone from office. This bill will also be another major hit for a beleaguered US auto industry that will now have to retool to make new smaller cars when their market share and ability to invest is already crippled.

I love the quote by Hoyer "This legislation is a historic turning point in energy policy, because it will cut demand for foreign oil and promote non fossil fuels that will cut greenhouse gases linked to global warming”. Any read of basic scientific literature will show that that water vapor has a greater effect in atmospheric heating than Co2 and ethanol produces much more water vapor than gasoline and because it is not as thermally efficient as gasoline more must be burned to accomplish the same amount of work. The Majority leaders comments are at the least disingenuous and show how the fringe of the environmental movement is swaying the thinking of the Democrat party.

Like it or not we are an oil-based economy, if you actual want to get us away from middle east oil in the short term than get some legislation through that will open up and encourage drilling in the ANWAR and off the coasts and development of the oil shale in the west. This coupled with an aggressive policy of building nuclear power plants and encourage the building of additional refining capacity will actually impact on our energy policy not deciding what light bulbs I use. Why do we let the Chinese drill in our backyard the Gulf of Mexico while we sit on the sidelines as your party is held hostage by the environmental movement?

This is just another symptom of what is wrong in Washington; instead of leadership and making tough calls we get feel good legislation that the politicians can feed back to their districts to show what great work they are doing, when in reality they are just kicking the can down the road.


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