Tuesday, October 30, 2007

CBS News, Unfit Again

When you read the articles and watch the hit job on Airpower used in Afghanistan on CBS news keep a few things in mind. We are at war civilian deaths are unfortunate but unavoidable. With today’s precision engagement any collateral damage in reduced significantly from any other bombing campaign. Take a look at the 20th Air Force fire raids in Tokyo in May 1945 or any of the heavy strategic bombing in Germany by the mighty 8th. Finally look how we actually took down the Taliban; it was by Airpower directed by Combat Controllers and other Special Forces units that rolled up their forces and allowed the U.S. to do in weeks what the Russians could not do in years. President Karzai would not be in power today without the reach and force that can be brought to bear with Airpower. But with CBS anything to show how evil the U.S. is par for the course.

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