Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Deal

The Obama administration has now lit the fuse for a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Their desperation has led to a deal which is no deal for the United States and our western allies.
The press conference this morning was laughable to say the least, here are some of the money quotes from Obama

"Iran's path to a nuclear weapon has been cut off"

I have been president and commander in chief for over six years now. Time and again I have faced decisions about whether or not to use military force. It’s the gravest decision that any president has to make. Many times in multiple countries I have had to use force, and I will never hesitate to do so when it is in our national security Interest,” Obama said. “I strongly believe that our national security interest now depends on preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, which means that without a diplomatic resolution, either I or a future U.S. president would face a decision about whether or not to allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon or whether or not to use our military to stop it. But simply, no deal means a greater chance of more war in the Middle East. Moreover, we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem .

Obama said that the deal “is not built on trust, it is built on verification

There are many more but you get the general idea of were this is going with the fool in the White House.

After reading numerous articles from both left and right publications and news wires the general impression I get from the deal is we the west will effectively give Iran over 100 billion dollars with the lifting of sanctions. There will be no dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program, no inspection of its program, no stopping of its missile development program, no long term continuous of the arms embargo and no stopping Iranian sponsorship of international terror groups.

While I don't always agree with the Israeli Prime Minister in this case he got it right.

"From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world. "Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout the Middle East and across the globe.

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