Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What Is The One Hiding?

The Obama campaign continues to stonewall any attempts to find information on the ones past. Here is a partial list.

Actual medical records,
Transcripts from Columbia, Occidental, Harvard,
Voting records and notes from Illinois
His association with Acorn
His ties with the scumbag Ayers
His relationship with G-D Damn America Rev Wright
His actual birth certificate

The last one is especially puzzling, initially I thought the Berg lawsuit in PA was some tilting at windmills by a disappointed Hillary supporter. But here we are eight weeks from when the lawsuit was filed 3 weeks from the election and instead of simply coming up with the documents and giving them to the judge the Obama campaign and the DNC are attempting by legal maneuvering to delay discovery.
This makes me think there may in fact be something to hide; tomorrow is when discovery is supposed to happen. It would be ironic that after all of the MSM water carrying and lack of any investigation of this left wing Marxist candidate it turns out that he could be ineligible to run for President because of his lack of natural born citizen status, just like Alexander Hamilton.
If this turn out to be the case the MSM will implode and the DNC who had to know this is a problem would have some serious explaining to do. With al the money raised through what would be fraud can you imagine the law suits against the DNC and the ones campaign?

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