Friday, May 9, 2008

Junkyard Fire

Quite a long day yesterday, I had just put in a twelve hour shift and had driven home cleaned up and got something to eat. I went to bed and about 15 minute later my daughter woke me up to ask if I had heard the fire tucks. I had my pager off so she said I might want to step outside and check the smoke column. I took one look knew it was bad got dressed and drove to the scene of what turned out to be a multiple acre fire in a junkyard with thousands of tires and old cars burning. We’ll 4 hours later we had it contained and out, one injury, one of my friends caught a coupling on his fore head and received some stitches and a few guys who got real dehydrated received IV fluids from the great Paramedics from New Hanover Regional Center. Hat tip to the Paramedics another great job setting up rehabilitation and taking care of all of us paid and volunteer firemen. Just another typical day for a station that makes 1400 plus calls a year.

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