Wednesday, November 14, 2007

State Department Appeases Cowards In Their Ranks

A little over a week ago the State Department announced that they were going to send Foreign Service Officers to Iraq to fill up the various open positions. If they did not get enough volunteers they would force chosen individuals to go. I did not pay too much attention to this until the FSO had a town hall style meeting and wailed and moaned about Iraq being a death sentence, all this to fill 48 slots. Well the whiner’s and cowards seem so far to have gotten their way as it was announced today that the State Department will extend the window to try and keep from forcing unwilling candidates to go to Iraq.
An incident like this is one reason why most military members have such a low opinion of diplomats, they talk and the GI bleeds. As far as I’m concerned give the assignments if you don’t want to go resign or be fired. Can you imagine if the Armed Service’s put up with this kind of B.S? Now not all FSO’s are worthless check out the smack down article by FSO John Matel and a complete follow up and background on Michelle Malkins blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FSOs need a five year term limit on the job. More Americans get the chance to serve and it's better for diplomacy.