Monday, September 24, 2007

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak at Columbia University

Later today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak at Columbia University. The university president claims it’s a free speech issue. This is the same university that will not allow ROTC on its campus.(Great Link to a BlackFive post)
To give this man who is a known anti-Semite, holocaust denier and President of a country who is not only smuggling weapons and advisors into Iraq that kill our soldiers a propaganda platform is a disgrace but to be expected by a left leaning university. The picture is a copy of the Freedom First ad that will run surprisingly in today’s New York Times. A link to an AP article on weapons smuggling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw the "debate" at Columbia online yesterday. I still do not understand what the university officials thought they would accomplish by inviting him to speak. I suppose the president of the university wanted to ask a bunch of tough questions and make Ahmadinejad look stupid, but there is no point in even engaging a man like him in any kind of conversation. Why even give him a forum? Every word out of his mouth was a lie. "Our women are the most free women in the world." Sure, tell that to the women who are beaten on the streets for having hair sticking out under their veils, or for wearing makeup. If my sons decide to attend Columbia I will disown them.